With every passing day I can feel my grip on reality loosening.
My sanity gradually being drained from my soul.
But it will all the worth it, The form Joward promised will be bautiful.
I will transcend far above the comprehention of the humanities.
None would be deemed capable of even understanding my being, nor my thoughts.
I will be the paragon of existence, seemingly impossible knowlege at my mere fingertips.
But until that day arrives, I will be forced to live among clueless animals.
The idea that these, creatures, are the dominant species is truly pitifull.
They are no better than the dirt that lies beneath their feet.
The only conclusion I could come to with my currently feeble mind is that Joward has done this to me as some sort of test.
But if this hypothesis is correct, why a human? Why not something lesser that could not possibly conceive of its insignificance.
And although it may still be physically weak, unfortunately they are all. It would still be preferable to this.
I can only hope that these questions are answered when the day of my apotheosis comes.
But until then, I fear I must put up with these, pests for the time being.
I am counting every second...